What are the benefits of using a VA?

Using a virtual office assistant can be a great idea for various reasons:

1. Cost-Effective: Virtual office assistants are often more affordable than hiring a full-time employee, as you only pay for the services you need.

2. Flexibility: You can scale up or down your virtual assistant’s workload based on your current needs, providing flexibility in managing your business.

3. Access to Specialised Skills: Virtual assistants often have specific skills and expertise, allowing you to tap into a broader range of talent.

4. Time Savings: Delegating tasks to a virtual assistant frees up your time to focus on core business activities or personal matters.

5. Remote Work: Virtual assistants work remotely, reducing the need for physical office space and allowing you to choose from a global talent pool.

6. Reduced Overhead: You don’t need to provide office space, equipment, or benefits typically associated with in-house employees.

However, it’s important to carefully choose a virtual assistant with the right skills, communication abilities, and work ethic to ensure a successful working relationship.

Why do some people find it so hard to delegate?

People often have problems delegating for several reasons:

1. Control: Some individuals struggle with delegating because they fear losing control over a task or project. They may feel that they are the only ones who can do it correctly.

2. Perfectionism: Perfectionists may find it difficult to delegate because they have high standards and believe that only they can meet those standards.

3. Trust: Trusting others to complete tasks effectively can be a challenge. If someone has been let down in the past, they may be hesitant to delegate again.

4. Lack of Skill or Knowledge: People may not delegate because they believe others lack the necessary skills or knowledge to handle the task.

5. Overwhelm: Some individuals take on too much themselves due to a fear of burdening others or because they have trouble saying no, leading to a reluctance to delegate.

6. Micromanagement: Some individuals prefer to oversee every aspect of a project, making it difficult for them to delegate without constant interference.

7. Time Investment: Delegating can require an initial time investment to explain tasks and provide guidance, which some may view as an inconvenience.

Overcoming these challenges often involves developing trust in others and recognising the benefits of delegation.

Do The Shoes Fit?

Are you going to end up with blisters and really sore feet?

Choosing a great VA is a bit like choosing a pair of new shoes. Do they fit? Do they suit you? Do they support you well? Get it wrong and you'll end up sore and disappointed.

There's no denying it's a hard one to get right: Too little and you're deemed a failure, too much and you're uptight. Sound familiar? Well, you're not alone - in fact it's the biggest challenge most people face. You may know that micromanaging and perfectionism are common traits in entrepreneurs. But this can really hold your business back. Delegation doesn’t have to be difficult, just follow these 4 simple steps…

1. Start small - don't run before you can walk. Hand over something basic with minimal consequences if it goes wrong.

2. Build gradually - once you're happy with the completed task, try something larger or more important. Go at a pace that you're comfortable with.

3. Be realistic - it takes time for a VA to learn your business and preferences. If things didn't go to plan, ask yourself if you could have explained more or given better information to improve the outcome.

4. Move forward together - build a relationship with your VA where trust and understanding increases your confidence. If you're still not convinced, look at any famous business owner and ask yourself how they got there. If you can't imagine Richard Branson on the phone ordering stationery supplies or Bill Gates on hold for a business insurance quote, there's a reason. Delegation makes dreams possible!

Less Haste, More Speed

I’ll be frank, if you're someone who expects instant results you'd better stop reading now. Yes really. There's nothing here for you. A VA can promise many things but overnight perfection just isn't going to happen. In a world where everyone expects immediate results, the simple fact is some things just take a little time. No one goes on a first date expecting to be married by the end of the night; good relationships take time. It's the same with working relationships - the best ones grow slowly and last. So how can you get the best from your VA? Here are the 3 golden rules of investment to get the best out of your VA. Give them information about:

1. Your Business - background, products, services, USP, competitors, values, plans.
2. Your Expectations - attention to detail, confidentiality, professionalism, turnaround times.
3. Your Preferences - communication methods, travel preferences, hotel requirements, budgets, pet hates.

Thinking 'I could have done it quicker myself'? Well yes, you probably could, the first time or even the second. However the next time you won't have to do it at all. Think how much time that will save!

Committing to a VA

If you’re worried about committing to a Virtual Assistant, look into your options as VAs have strengths in different areas.

Prefer the idea of a recommended VA? Then ask around in your business circles, put a question out there on LinkedIn.

Speak to a VA at length before you start booking their services, after all you will need to gel with them and have similar business principles.

We like to test-drive a car, have a 30-day free trial of a new app, hear a snippet of a song before we buy. Similarly with some VAs you can have a free trial with no obligation.

Why a Virtual Assistant? There are many benefits but here are just a few…

NO sick pay
NO holiday pay
NO office equipment or space
NO employer’s NI
NO wasted time
NO maternity/paternity pay or cover